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Select a plan below to begin promoting your Indigenous business online.
Our definition is the business is First Nations, Inuit, or Metis owned by an Indigenous person (status or non-status) or enterprise. For partnerships or joint ventures, must be majority Indigenous-owned.
Yes, you may still create a listing without entering your exact address.
As our directory is location-based, however, we do ask that you provide your city in the sign-up form’s Address field – you do not have to provide an exact address though.
For your listing, we recommend uploading 800 x 600 pixel images (4:3 aspect ratio).
With every Wolf listing, one of our experienced Indigenous technology advisors will provide 1 hour digital/technology-focused advice for your business. Advice will be based on a general assessment, conducted virtually online or by phone, and in a culturally sensitive manner. Appointment will be scheduled upon registration and payment.
Yes, we offer additional digital & technology services to help grow and promote your Indigenous business:
Please Contact Us for more information.
Currently, we accept credit card payments via PayPal.
If your business requires an email account, .CA domain, or a 1-page website, please consider our friends at Webnames – who are offering 1 year free LiteSite package to Indigenous small businesses and freelancers. Available on a first come, first serve basis.
To help your business and website search engine optimization, it is beneficial to list with multiple directories.
There are numerous Indigenous business directories but a few we recommend are:
Get all the latest news, Indigenous business stories, and exclusive gift box deals.