Smudging is an ancient practice with deep roots in many cultures around the world, particularly among Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island. The process of smudging involves burning natural elements like cedar, sage, tobacco, and sweetgrass to purify spaces, minds, and souls, setting the stage for positive intentions. In this blog, we’ll explore the significance of smudging in Indigenous cultures, the benefits of using sage, and a step-by-step guide on how to smudge effectively and respectfully.
The Cultural Significance of Smudging
While smudging is practiced in various forms around the world, it holds deep spiritual significance for Indigenous communities on Turtle Island. Smudging is often performed during ceremonies, before important events, or as part of daily rituals. The smoke is believed to carry prayers to the Creator, connect with ancestors, and bring protection and guidance. As you adopt this practice, it’s essential to approach it with respect and gratitude for its Indigenous origins.
The Benefits of Sage in Smudging
Sage is one of the most commonly used plants in smudging, particularly among Indigenous peoples in North America. The medicinal smoke from sage is known for its ability to clear negativity, foster healing, and promote wisdom. Scientifically, burning sage is believed to release negative ions, which can improve mood and reduce stress. Sage also has antimicrobial properties, making it an excellent choice for purifying the air in your home.

Ethical Sourcing of Materials
When learning how to smudge, it’s important to ensure that the materials you use are ethically and sustainably sourced. Overharvesting of sage and other sacred plants can harm ecosystems and deplete resources for Indigenous communities. Consider purchasing your materials from Indigenous-owned businesses that prioritize sustainable harvesting practices.

It’s also important to note that abalone shells, often used to hold burning smudge sticks, are considered endangered in parts of North America. To avoid contributing to the decline of abalone populations, you can look for alternatives. This includes heat-resistant bowls or responsibly sourced abalone shells from jurisdictions like New Zealand, where regulations ensure their sustainable and ethical distribution. This way, you can honour the traditional practice while also supporting global conservation efforts.
Around the World
While smudging is a significant practice among Indigenous people on Turtle Island, other cultures around the world also use similar techniques. For example, Balinese people smudge themselves with incense and other medicine, as do people in India, China, and many other countries. These practices, although varied in their methods and materials, share the common goal of purification and setting positive intentions. Smudging is often performed during prayer ceremonies, before important events, gatherings, or rituals. The smoke acts as a medium for communication with the spiritual world, ancestors, and higher powers. It is believed to create a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, facilitating connection, guidance, and protection.
How to Smudge: Step-by-Step Guide
Smudging is a simple yet powerful practice that anyone can learn. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to smudge:
- Prepare Your Materials: Gather your smudging materials, such as: sage, cedar, tobacco, or sweetgrass. You’ll also need an abalone shell or a fireproof bowl to hold the burning elements and a feather (or your hand) to waft the smoke.
- Light the Smudge Stick: Using a match or lighter, carefully light the end of the smudge stick until it smolders and produces smoke. Hold the stick over the flame until it catches well enough to create a steady stream of smoke.
- Smudge Yourself: Begin by wafting the smoke towards yourself, starting with your closed eyes, ears, mouth, head, and body. This process helps cleanse your senses and mind and symbolizes a fresh start.
- Smudge Your Space: Move through your home, wafting the smoke into each corner, doorway, and window. This ensures that negative energy is cleared from every part of the space. You can also smudge your car, workspace, or any other areas that need cleansing.
- Use the Feather: Use a feather to help direct the smoke toward specific areas, or outward to purify the space around you. This helps distribute the smoke evenly for a thorough cleansing.
- Let It Burn Out: Once you have finished smudging, allow the stick to burn out naturally in your abalone shell or fireproof bowl. You can place sand in the bottom of the shell to prevent overheating.

Embrace the Practice: How to Smudge for Cleansing & Positivity
Smudging is a beautiful and meaningful practice that helps clear negativity, purify spaces, and set positive intentions. By incorporating smudging into your routine, you can create a harmonious and peaceful environment in your home and beyond. Remember to approach this practice with respect and gratitude for its Indigenous origins, and consider supporting Indigenous-owned businesses for your supplies.
If you’d like to get started, check out our thoughtfully assembled Smudge Medicine Kit here. This kit includes everything you need to begin your journey towards peace, health, and well-being, with natural elements that harness the wisdom and spirit of traditional medicines.
Thank you for learning with us!